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  • Tags: Christianity
Religions exist because of their followers. Without followers, a religion would become extinct. In order to gain adherents to a religion, they must have beliefs that are appealing to people. One powerful conversion tool for many religions is the…
An essay outlining religion driven behavior in the United States
This essay is a close study of how Christian beliefs have transformed over the years.
Essay analyzing worldwide divisions between church and state specifically Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam in the United States and Middle East.
a message recorded by Bill Bright. It was part of an album of messages produced by Campus Crusade for Christ, entitled What Christians Believe.
Devin Tiffany Fall 2015. This is where everyone gathers to pray and listen to preach. This is the most important place within the whole church as it shows some of their values as there is no organ or any instruments like that.
This blog focuses on how religion affects politics in the modern day. This blog went through different locations throughout the world and how each has a strong religious background that affects modern policies and laws coming into play. The main…
PDF of a blog about different fundamentalist and extremist groups in different world religions including Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Hindu.
Since the beginning of time man has marveled over the thought of life after this death. Under the realm of Christianity comes the thought process of Heaven and Hell. Christian belief is that there is one God and he and he alone is all powerful and…
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