An essay defending a thesis statement that articulates the need to grant students in Catholic high school the freedom to study various world religions *
Alexandra Murray, Fall 2015
This item is a thesis essay expressing the necessity for Catholic high school students to explore other world religions besides their traditional faith. The essay states data and statistics from well-known theologians, authors, and scholars. Included is a personal experience, as well as world views and opinions on the matter at hand. Also, factual evidence from Nostra Aetate affirms the thesis statement in great detail. It also discusses the need for freedom of expression and experimentation for students in Catholic high school. The need for change in today’s society is proven necessary multiple times and includes evidentiary evidence to support the claim. Freedom to explore other world religions, traditions, and beliefs paves the way for a more diverse and understanding society, while at the same time strengthens social unity. [Omeka exhibit site created after deadline.]